August 4, 2020
Thank you Mrs. Fesler (Formerly Miss Allen!) for the water bottle video!
August 4, 2020
Access all of the district's At A Glance back to school publications here:

June 11, 2020
Pikeland Schools June 11, 2020 at 11:24 AM Author: Athletic Director
Summer Conditioning Schedule
Athletic Director
June 11, 2020 at 11:06 AM
Author: Athletic Director

March 25, 2020
Pikeland Families:
The following message was sent out this afternoon through our voice messaging system.
Tonight is Snack Pack pick-up from 4:30-6:00. All locations are the...

March 9, 2020
Dear Pikeland Families:
The health and safety of our students is our top priority, so we want to share with you information that the Illinois Department of Public Health (I...

December 13, 2019
Here is the news for this week. Don't forget Reindeer Games tonight!!
October 1, 2019
Vacancies 2019-2020
10.2.2019 Vacancy
2020-2021 Vacancy Notice
PIkeland CUSD #10 is searching for a new superintendent to start ...
September 5, 2019
The SafeSchool Helpline App is available to download at the Apple App Store!
The SafeSchool Helpline is a 24/7 communication service used to report school wrongdoings, bullyi...

August 1, 2019
Click on the link below for the Pikeland Activity Calendar
January 8, 2019
Thank you Class of 1954!
Pittsfield High School Class of 1954 Scholarship Fund
PO Box 205
Pittsfield, IL 62363
PHS Class o...