South Spotlight #2
about 21 hours ago, South Principal
Jennifer Wessel
South School Spotlight #1
2 days ago, South Principal
The South School teaching staff would like to thank Farmers National Bank of Griggsville for their generous donation of Staples gift cards!
about 2 months ago, South Principal
All South School Kindergarten students and their teachers were gifted a copy of the book 'If I Were a Moose' by its author Lisa Lemons. Ms. Lemons is a former graduate of East Pike High School in Milton. In addition, former South School librarian Peggy Ottwell donated a copy to the South School library and to Mrs. Allen. We are incredibly grateful for their generosity!
about 2 months ago, South Principal
The South School Little Braves did an amazing job of supporting the community by donating food items for the PHS Food & Toy Drive. This was a great opportunity for the students to demonstrate kindness which is something we focus on frequently at South. Congratulations to Mrs. Groom's class donating the most items and winning the class pizza party sponsored by the Little Braves Boosters! Also, congratulations to Mrs. Oitker's class on earning second prize and winning a cookie decorating party compliments of the Little Braves Boosters. Thank you to the PHS Student Council who coordinated the Cereal Box Domino Challenge - the students loved lining the hallways and watching the boxes fall!
about 2 months ago, South Principal
Food Drive
South Spotlight
about 2 months ago, South Principal
Emily Rhodes
South Spotlight #1
2 months ago, South Principal
Tech Coach Mrs. Emily Pool presented tech tools to the Pikeland Mentoring Team this morning. Thank you for the engaging session Mrs. Pool!
2 months ago, Asst. Superintendent
Please let me take a moment of your time time to say thank you for the support that everyone has provided me during my tenure as interim superintendent for Pikeland #10. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve in this capacity over the past few months. And, the opportunity to work with so many wonderful people is something for which I am very grateful and will never forget. Keep up the good work that you do for your students and school community. Hoping you all have a great Thanksgiving break with family and friends. Jo - Out “Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting.”-- J.M. Barrie (Peter Pan)
2 months ago, Jo R. Campbell - Interim Superintendent
Dr. Russ Tepen visited Pikeland Today! He received a warm welcome from students, staff and administration. We look forward to having Dr. Tepen as our superintendent for the 2025-2026 School Year. We plan to have opportunities in the future for parents and community members to meet Dr. Tepen.
3 months ago, #saukeestrong
PCS Dr. Tepen
South Tepen
South Dr. Tepen
PHS Tepen
Today is Board Member Appreciation Day! We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your dedication to the Pikeland School District. Your role carries immense responsibility, and you’ve taken on the role with wisdom and integrity. Thank you for your active participation in the leadership of our District. You have generously given your time to make tough decisions and act in the best interest of our students and our schools. Again, we say Thank You!
3 months ago, Pikeland Schools
Board Members
South School Spotlight - Week of November 11th
3 months ago, South Principal
Laura West
South School Spotlight - Week of November 11th
3 months ago, South Principal
The PHS Student Council Food Drive begins this week! Any South School family who would like to donate food items can bring the items to school beginning tomorrow, Tuesday, November 12. The class who brings in the most food items by December 5 will receive a class pizza party compliments of the Little Braves Boosters. **We do ask that no glass bottle donations be sent in as they are a safety concern.** New this year is a Cereal Box Challenge. Students can bring in unopened boxes of cereal and on December 5, the PHS Student Council will set the cereal boxes up like dominos and the students will get to watch them fall throughout the hallways. Donations are always welcomed, but never expected. This purpose of this project is to offer support to local families in need while teaching our Little Braves about generosity and kindness.
3 months ago, South Principal
Thursday, November 7th at the Pikeland New Teacher Mentoring Sessions, mentors took on the leadership role as presenters to the group on the topics of student engagement and seamless procedures. Thank you to Mrs. Kayla Boren, Mrs. Jacklyn Feldpausch, Mrs. Erin Fesler & Mrs. Kate Marable for your amazing presentations and dedication to new teacher professional development.
3 months ago, #saukeestrong
Last night, the Pikeland Board of Education hired Dr. Russ Tepen as the new Superintendent for the 2025-2026 School Year. A lifelong Jerseyville native, who is currently in his sixth year as principal at Litchfield Middle School, and has a great deal of school leadership roles and experiences. During his tenure, he has served as a middle school educator, assistant principal, and principal, and enjoyed many years as a high school principal. His experiences include leading schools in rural districts and large urban schools where there has been a great deal of diversity represented. Described as a continuous learner, Dr. Tepen has a bachelor’s degree from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, two master’s degrees from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, and his doctorate from Maryville University. He has also completed his coursework for the Chief School Business Official certification from University of Illinois Springfield. His desire to learn and stay current in educational trends and research allows him to foster learning communities within the district. Dr. Tepen looks forward to joining the Pikeland community and the Saukee family and the Board of Education is excited to have him joining the district. His initial goal is to engage members of the community and school in order to learn as much about the culture and traditions that make this community great. He is excited to begin his time in the Pikeland School Distri
3 months ago, Pikeland Schools
Dr. Russ Tepen
Have a great weekend!
3 months ago, South Principal
Friday Newsletter
Meet Avery Heavner!
3 months ago, South Principal
Avery Heavner
South School is starting a new theme of highlighting 1 - 2 staff members each week! The South School Spotlight will be included on the weekly newsletter as well as on the Pikeland Facebook page. This will be a great way to meet the staff members that work with our Little Braves every day! The first spotlight is on Mrs. Sarah McNulty!
3 months ago, South Principal
Have a great weekend!
3 months ago, South Principal
Friday Note