November Weather Communication
CEO Breakfast today! Pike County students benefit greatly from this program! Great way to start the day!
Fine Arts Friday!
Fine Arts Friday!
Fine Arts Friday
Fine Arts Friday!
New Teacher Mentoring! A great way to begin and end the day!
There has been a water main break that has impacted PCS. We are under a boil order for 48 hours. Please send plenty of water to school with your student tomorrow. We understand the container may not be clear, that's acceptable for tomorrow. Thank you and have a good evening.
Making an IMPACT
DPod students working during TEAM time to improve grades and assignment completion! Both foundational to learning!
Takeover Tuesday-October 11, 2022
Ellie-7th grade
“My favorite thing about this school year is having Mrs. Pressey as a teacher!”
Thank hank you Mrs. Pressey for making this bright spot in a young person’s day!
Takeover Tuesday- October 11, 2022
Brodie-8th grade
“My favorite thing about this school year so far is getting to meet new people and having fun with my friends. One of my favorite things is PE.”
Thank you to Mrs. Zimmerman and Mr. Davidsmeyer for making PE a great place for PCS!
Takeover Tuesday-October 11, 2022
Teagan-8th grade
“My favorite thing about school this year has been baseball! I did it with a lot of my friends and I like baseball in general.”
Thanks to Coach Heinz and Coach Ferguson for leading this quality experience for PCS students!
Student artwork brightens the learning at South Elementary!
PCS marching Braves and PHS marching Saukees had outstanding performances this weekend at the Griggsville Apple Festival! PCS took 1st in division one and PHS took 2nd in division two.
Lady Braves softball team win regionals!! Congratulations Lady Braves!!! They will play Saturday at 11:00 in Brown County.
Lady Braves win again! They defeated Camp Point!
Meet the Teacher- Pikeland 2022-23
New Teacher to Pikeland- 2022-2023
Happy Labor Day!
Pikeland schools will open on Tuesday, September 6th on a regular schedule!